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Dancing from seattle

Dancer - Erin McDevin

The beautiful Erin was dancing on the roof, her feet in the water, in front of Berlin's famous Molecule Men, which rise from the Spree river and stand for the crossing of three Berlin districts: Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain, and Alt-Treptow. She was fantastically harmonic there, over Berlin roofs and passing ships, under pouring rain in her completely wet black dress. She was telling us a fascinating and passionate story using her body and moving in an exact rhythm of falling drops. 

We only had 30 minutes for this shooting before it started raining so hard that we had to run down and hide in a safe and dry place. I was smiling constantly and hoping so much not to skip any single shot of her. Thank you, Erin!

And I also have to thank @titusscholl and for organizing the shooting and taking us to that amazing roof, as well as @artur.nastin and @annarafeevaphoto for being a great part of our team!

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