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New York City on film

It feels like New York City was made for being shot on film. I can hardly think of another city but New York which could be more cinematographic, iconic, vibrant and so good looking when shot of film. Or - if being honest - so good looking in general. But this time in May was my very first time when I had brought my film camera on the trip. It was the Olympus Mju II with black and white Agfa 100 film roll inside. 

I had only three days in NYC that time and it rained pretty much 24/7. I managed to finish one film roll and the photos turned out moody, dark and a little bit vintage, which reflects the city from those rainy spring days so well. I love the texture, noise and structure. I'd better show them below than talk about them more: so dive in and enjoy the movie.

Let New York happen in the life of those who dream to see this incredible city with their own eyes.